Donations are gratefully accepted to help run our programs. Your donation can help us keep registration fees low while helping to bring in highly qualified and experienced clinicians and composers. Donations also help to create scholarships for students receiving recognition awards. 

Planning for 30th Anniversary Celebrations in 2023!

Contemporary Showcase Edmonton seeks your support to help celebrate 30 years of presenting and encouraging awareness of Canadian music. We invite you to invest in our future by donating to the 2023 festival fund so we can present special awards and music events to celebrate our 30th anniversary.

  • We are accepting donations towards our 30th Anniversary celebrations for 2023.
  • You can send an e-transfer to (remember to email us the password for the transfer)
  • Or mail a cheque to:
    Treasurer, 10331  137 Street, Edmonton, AB, T5N 2H2 

Click here to read our donation letter.

Donations can be 
– an ongoing monetary donation of any amount
– a one-time donation of any amount
– class sponsorship – $50
– Bottle Drive Fundraiser (see details below)
– advertising in our program 
Click here for sizes and rates.

Donations should be sent to
Treasurer, 10331  137 Street,
Edmonton, AB, T5N 2H2

E-transfer donations to:

Please specify which of the above options you’re donating.

October Bottle Drive 

  • This bottle drive does not involve going door to door. Instead, teachers can ask students and their families to bring bottles to their studio. 
  • At the end of the month, the bottles can be cashed in and the money donated to Contemporary Showcase Edmonton
  • Or contact Gary at and pick up will be arranged.
  • Donations to Contemporary Showcase Edmonton can also be made through Skip the Depot.

Thank you for your support